An Introduction

Ina Bajaj CEO & Founder

We cannot control the world, but we are in control of the way we react to it. The COVID-19 pandemic has over-turned our personal and professional lives, it has brought us to our knees, however, now is the time to take stock and to get back on our feet. The nature of the spa and wellbeing industry inherently brings our clients and teams into close contact; we are a business of touch, we cannot escape or deny this, instead we should embrace it, as it's during this time when people need it the most. As an industry with existing high hygiene benchmarks, we need to be conscious of COVID and implement even more rigorous standards and procedures to instil confidence in our operations and allay fears or anxieties our customers may have.
As a company with spas located in two countries, we have witnessed polar opposite reactions to COVID-19. As I write this, in NZ, we begin our fourth week of stringent lockdown measures. In Bali, businesses remain open with screening and social distancing measures, which have been sufficient to provide security to clients and maintain safety in operations. Bringing together our experience from both global locations, we have put together the “Pandemic Playbook” a framework and prepared plan to deal with these unpredictable times. Yours in wellness, Ina Bajaj CEO and Founder Spring Spa and East Day Spa